Khalid Kareem receives "huge" offer from Yale

Written by
Jeff Corrion

Kareem in 2014 Semi-Final | Source: Ken Dettloff / The D Zone

To the average 4 and 5 star player an offer from the prestigious Ivy League program, Yale would be a joke. Yale doesn't get you on TV, doesn't get you featured on major websites & articles, and it doesn't have the same weight as a Division 1 FBS offer would. But not all elite prospects have that mindset, meet Farmington Hills Harrison 2016 DE Khalid Kareem who holds 27 FBS offers from; Alabama to Oregon to California to 12 of 14 Big Ten offers, Kareem certainly fits your bill as a must get for colleges across the country. On Monday night, Yale became the 28th offer to Kareem and isn't shy on saying its a game changer. Yale known for their tough academic standards is certainly able to wow student-athletes more than just on the field.

"The offer from Yale is huge for me. It shows that hard work in the classroom is paying off. Not just what I do on the field," said Kareem on describing what the offer from Yale means to him.

With an already high ACT and GPA, Kareem will be re-taking the ACT to improve his score which could draw more offers from some more of the nations premier academic schools. Kareem was asked what kind role academics play in his recruitment, he responded, "I really want to go to a college with some high standards on academics. The degree will mean a lot more when it comes to after football."

As for a decision, there is exactly 11 months until National Signing Day but Khalid Kareem could also enroll early around December 2015 but still still isn't in need of making a quick decision as he has a lot of options that the average recruit doesn't have to weigh or consider. "Right now I have some great schools to decide on and it's a blessing," said Kareem. "I plan to sit down with my parents and decide what's best. We will start the elimination process soon. Try to narrow down to a top 10. We will just keep breaking it down from there to 7 to 5 & 3 then choose from there. Still wide open right now. Looking forward to visiting a lot of the schools that's showing interest in me."

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