Bellevue Broncos (MI) (A)(2-0)Battle Creek St. Philip Tigers (MI) (H)(0-0)Saturday, 10/06/20181:30 PM - 4:30 PM1Battle Creek St. Philip High SchoolFinalBellevue Broncos32Battle Creek St. Philip Tigers22
Battle Creek St. Philip Tigers (MI) (A)(0-0)Saint Joseph Michigan Lutheran Titans (MI) (H)(0-0)Friday, 10/12/20187:00 PM - 10:00 PM2Saint Joseph Michigan Lutheran High SchoolFinalBattle Creek St. Philip Tigers60Saint Joseph Michigan Lutheran Titans0
Camden-Frontier Redskins (MI) (A)(0-1)North Adams-Jerome Rams (MI) (H)(0-2)Friday, 10/12/20187:00 PM - 10:00 PM3North Adams-Jerome High SchoolFinalCamden-Frontier Redskins50North Adams-Jerome Rams22
Colon Magi (MI) (A)(0-2)Litchfield Terriers (MI) (H)(1-1)Friday, 10/12/20187:00 PM - 10:00 PM4Litchfield High SchoolFinalColon Magi58Litchfield Terriers6
Portland St. Patrick (MI) (A)(1-0)Tekonsha Indians (MI) (H)(1-0)Friday, 10/12/20187:00 PM - 10:00 PM5Tekonsha High SchoolFinalPortland St. Patrick28Tekonsha Indians26
Waldron Spartans (MI) (A)(0-1)Bellevue Broncos (MI) (H)(2-0)Friday, 10/12/20187:00 PM - 10:00 PM6Bellevue High SchoolFinalWaldron Spartans0Bellevue Broncos52
Webberville Spartans (MI) (A)(1-1)Burr Oak Bobcats (MI) (H)(0-2)Friday, 10/12/20187:00 PM - 10:00 PM7Burr Oak High SchoolFinalWebberville Spartans42Burr Oak Bobcats12
North Adams-Jerome Rams (MI) (A)(0-2)Battle Creek St. Philip Tigers (MI) (H)(0-0)Thursday, 10/18/20187:00 PM - 10:00 PM8Battle Creek St. Philip High SchoolFinalNorth Adams-Jerome Rams8Battle Creek St. Philip Tigers50
Burr Oak Bobcats (MI) (A)(0-2)Big Rapids Crossroads Cougars (MI) (H)(0-0)Friday, 10/19/20187:00 PM - 10:00 PM9Big Rapids Crossroads Academy High SchoolFinalBurr Oak Bobcats51Big Rapids Crossroads Cougars0
Tekonsha Indians (MI) (A)(1-0)Bellevue Broncos (MI) (H)(2-0)Friday, 10/19/20187:00 PM - 10:00 PM10Bellevue High SchoolFinalTekonsha Indians8Bellevue Broncos40
Waldron Spartans (MI) (A)(0-1)Litchfield Terriers (MI) (H)(1-1)Friday, 10/19/20187:00 PM - 10:00 PM11Litchfield High SchoolFinalWaldron Spartans30Litchfield Terriers14
North Adams-Jerome Rams (MI) (A)(0-2)Battle Creek St. Philip Tigers (MI) (H)(0-0)Saturday, 10/20/20187:00 PM - 10:00 PM12Battle Creek St. Philip High SchoolFinished GameNo scores reported yet
Battle Creek St. Philip Tigers (MI) (A)(0-0)Bellevue Broncos (MI) (H)(2-0)Friday, 10/26/20187:00 PM - 9:00 PM13Bellevue High School8-Man Division 1First RoundFinalBattle Creek St. Philip Tigers6Bellevue Broncos54
Tekonsha Indians (MI) (A)(1-0)New Haven Merritt Mustangs (MI) (H)(0-1)Friday, 10/26/20187:00 PM - 9:00 PM14New Haven Merritt Academy8-Man Division 2First RoundFinalTekonsha Indians28New Haven Merritt Mustangs22
Tekonsha Indians (MI) (A)(1-0)Portland St. Patrick (MI) (H)(1-0)Saturday, 11/03/20181:00 PM - 3:00 PM15Portland St. Patrick High School8-Man Division 2Regional FinalFinalTekonsha Indians6Portland St. Patrick20
Academy of the Americas Tigers (MI) (A)(0-0)Waldron Spartans (MI) (H)(0-1)Thursday, 08/29/20197:00 PM - 10:00 PM16Waldron High SchoolFinalAcademy of the Americas Tigers0Waldron Spartans1
Big Rapids Crossroads Cougars (MI) (A)(0-0)Burr Oak Bobcats (MI) (H)(0-2)Thursday, 08/29/20197:00 PM - 10:00 PM17Burr Oak High SchoolFinalBig Rapids Crossroads Cougars0Burr Oak Bobcats64
Bridgman Bees (MI) (A)(1-0)North Adams-Jerome Rams (MI) (H)(0-2)Thursday, 08/29/20197:00 PM - 10:00 PM18North Adams-Jerome High SchoolFinalBridgman Bees56North Adams-Jerome Rams16
St Joseph Our Lady of the Lake Catholic (MI) (A)(0-6)Tekonsha Indians (MI) (H)(1-0)Thursday, 08/29/20197:00 PM - 10:00 PM19Tekonsha High SchoolFinalSt Joseph Our Lady of the Lake Catholic68Tekonsha Indians50
Saint Joseph Michigan Lutheran Titans (MI) (A)(0-0)Litchfield Terriers (MI) (H)(1-1)Thursday, 08/29/20197:00 PM - 10:00 PM20Litchfield High SchoolFinalSaint Joseph Michigan Lutheran Titans6Litchfield Terriers30
Battle Creek St. Philip Tigers (MI) (A)(0-0)Portland St. Patrick (MI) (H)(1-0)Friday, 08/30/20197:00 PM - 10:00 PM21Portland St. Patrick High SchoolFinalBattle Creek St. Philip Tigers8Portland St. Patrick46
Vestaburg Wolverines (MI) (A)(0-1)North Adams-Jerome Rams (MI) (H)(0-2)Thursday, 09/05/20197:00 PM - 10:00 PM22North Adams-Jerome High SchoolFinalVestaburg Wolverines22North Adams-Jerome Rams6
Academy of the Americas Tigers (MI) (A)(0-0)Litchfield Terriers (MI) (H)(1-1)Friday, 09/06/20197:00 PM - 10:00 PM23Litchfield High SchoolFinalAcademy of the Americas Tigers0Litchfield Terriers1
Camden-Frontier Redskins (MI) (A)(0-1)Burr Oak Bobcats (MI) (H)(0-2)Friday, 09/06/20197:00 PM - 10:00 PM24Burr Oak High SchoolFinalCamden-Frontier Redskins28Burr Oak Bobcats20
Waldron Spartans (MI) (A)(0-1)Saint Joseph Michigan Lutheran Titans (MI) (H)(0-0)Friday, 09/06/20197:00 PM - 10:00 PM25Saint Joseph Michigan Lutheran High SchoolFinalWaldron Spartans14Saint Joseph Michigan Lutheran Titans52
New Buffalo Bison (MI) (A)(2-0)Battle Creek St. Philip Tigers (MI) (H)(0-0)Saturday, 09/07/20197:00 PM - 10:00 PM26Battle Creek St. Philip High SchoolFinalNew Buffalo Bison15Battle Creek St. Philip Tigers36
Tekonsha Indians (MI) (A)(1-0)Portland St. Patrick (MI) (H)(1-0)Saturday, 09/07/20197:00 PM - 10:00 PM27Portland St. Patrick High SchoolFinalTekonsha Indians0Portland St. Patrick57
Battle Creek St. Philip Tigers (MI) (A)(0-0)Colon Magi (MI) (H)(0-2)Friday, 09/13/20197:00 PM - 10:00 PM28Colon High SchoolFinalBattle Creek St. Philip Tigers12Colon Magi62
Burr Oak Bobcats (MI) (A)(0-2)North Adams-Jerome Rams (MI) (H)(0-2)Friday, 09/13/20197:00 PM - 10:00 PM29North Adams-Jerome High SchoolFinalBurr Oak Bobcats49North Adams-Jerome Rams0
Litchfield Terriers (MI) (A)(1-1)Tekonsha Indians (MI) (H)(1-0)Friday, 09/13/20197:00 PM - 10:00 PM30Tekonsha High SchoolFinalLitchfield Terriers0Tekonsha Indians28